Friday, August 29, 2008

Newspapers and Tears

People like to tell you there will always be something of your beloved spouse in you. OK maybe I have even told the children that many times but sometimes it surprises you what that little something is and how little it takes to set off the tears. How can bringing in the newspaper bring you to tears?

Last night was Barack Obama's historic speech. What an amazing, moving moment. For some reason the LA Times wasn't delivered this morning. So after the phone callto customer service it arrived within 30 minutes (great customer service..I guess they need to in this market; do I get it delivered to my door or to my Kindle) But it was when I brought it in, saw the headline that the tears started. Michael had a habit of saving all the newspapers from historic events. Not one of my favorite things..I imagined our kids cleaning out the house one day and digging through rooms and rooms of yellowed old newspapers as they explained, "why did they save all this sh-t!"

Sure I cried and missed him terribly as I moved our baby girl into college. But he was the guy that cried at AT&T commericials, he would have so loved this election and now throw in an Alaskan as the Republican VP, oh my. (Michael started in Alaskan politics before I knew him) I realize how much I miss him now. There are just too many things I miss sharing. That's what it is, the middle of this journey. I feel like there are still too many new experiences, just when you think after 15 months there can't be too many more firsts. You realize oh dear some of the seconds and thirds will hurt too. I can be very brave and talk about all I am doing, and going and planning. But there are times like bring a really cool newspaper in that you just wish you weren't alone.

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