Thursday, May 7, 2009

Real Voices and Conversations

I have stopped checking caller ID. The phone rings and I immediately pick it up to talk. I really want to have a conversation with someone; hear a voice. Have I become that elderly woman who yearns to talk and hear any one's voice that they start ordering from those sales calls? OK maybe its not that bad. It is not that I don't have plenty of contact with people but it is all about text messages and email and yes we keep up by Facebook. Now those who know me acknowledge that there is no one who likes her gadgets and technology more than I do; and maybe it is a real sign that I am saying the good old land line has its place.

A widow I know who just got engaged to be married told me you will know you have met the right person when you can't get off the phone. When you just want to keep talking. I guess that means the first step is meeting someone who is still makes phone calls. You meet online in catalog dating. Picture shopping. Then you email a bit and even set up your first meeting over email. Texting and emailing like 15 year olds. Even sending an email, "thanks but I don't think this is going anywhere" . How juvenile. So I am making more lunch dates and breakfasts and doing my best to see my friends. And while some are getting rid of their land lines I will try and use mine reach out and touch my friends.

1 comment:

sue said...

When are you going to call me? I can't wait! xoxo